Category: Artificial Intelligence
Most important AI trends in 2024!
The pace of AI certainly isn’t slowing down, butwhere will it be by the end of the year?Well we’ve put together nine trends that we expect to merge throughout the year.Some of them are broad and high level, some are a bit more technical, so let’s get into them.Oh, and if you’ve stumbled across this…
which country has the most advanced AI?
In the global race for advanced AI, there are some clear front runners. These countries are pushing the boundaries of what AI can do with breakthroughs in healthcare, transportation, cyber security, and more. By the end of this article, you’ll finally know the top 10 leading countries in the AI race and the factors that…
AI in Daily Living: Navigating the Everyday with Artificial Intelligence!
Hi, I am sure you are using artificial intelligence in your everyday life. Sometimes we are aware that we are using AI-based applications, but most of the time we are actually unaware that it is AI that is helping us in our day-to-day lives. Let’s explore some of the examples of artificial intelligence, and you…
Ayodhya Mandir में स्पर्श सीसीटीवी द्वारा AI आधारित अत्याधुनिक सुरक्षा टेक के साथ सुरक्षा व्यवस्था ।
Ayodhya Mandir (अयोध्या मंदिर), भारत के सबसे पवित्र और श्रद्धेय स्थलों में से एक है , यहाँ आधुनिक सुरक्षा प्रणालियों का यूज़ किया गया है। स्पर्श सीसीटीवी, जो latest surveillance solutions में एक अग्रणी कंपनी है, इस कंपनी ने हाल ही में अयोध्या में हाई-टेक सीसीटीवी कैमरे लगाने घोषणा की है, जिससे इस धार्मिक स्थल…