According to recent RBI guidelines, Paytm customers won’t be able to top up, deposit or perform any credit transactions through their Paytm accounts after March 15, 2024.
This also applies to your Paytm FastTag account.
This means that after 15th March, you won’t be able to add any balance to your existing
Paytm FastTag account, but you can continue using your Paytm FastTag account as long as there is a balance remaining.
To apply for a new one, you will first have to deactivate your existing Paytm FastTech account, and then only you can apply for a new one under the new One Vehicle, One FastTech initiative.
There are two ways to deactivate your Paytm FastTech account. One method is to use your mobile number and tag ID to close your Paytm Fastag account. Call 1800-120-4210 and provide your registered mobile number along with your vehicle registration number or tag ID. Subsequently, a Paytm customer support agent will contact you.
Dear customer, We have sent you a link via SMS to confirm your FASTAG closure request.
Another way is to use your Paytm application. Open the Paytm app on your phone and search for FASTAG. Scroll down and select Manage FASTAG. Scroll down and tap on Help & Support. Tap on Need help with non-order-related queries. Now, from here, I want to close my fastag.
From here, select your vehicle registration number. Now you will have to confirm if you wish to close your Fastag for the selected vehicle registration number. Press Yes and click on Close Fastag. Select your vehicle registration number, tap Continue to Close, and select a reason to close your Paytm Fastag account.
Proceed. Close Fastag. Select your preferred option, and on this page, you can see that the process of closing your Paytm Fasttech account has been initiated.
Now let’s see how you can apply for a new Fasttech online. From your Play Store or App Store, download the MyFasttech app. Under the Buy Fasttech option, click on Buy Online. This will lead you to an e-commerce link. Purchase the FASTAG, which will then be delivered to you.
Once the FASTAG is delivered to you, you will have to go back to the FASTAG app and click on Activate FASTAG. Select the e-commerce site where you have purchased the NHEI FASTAG from and scan to activate, or you can even enter the details manually.
Follow these tips to deactivate your Paytm FASTAG and apply for a new one without any hassle.
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